

走进威彻斯特走读学校的石柱, one drives along a meandering path through magnificent tall treetops, 周围是郁郁葱葱的树叶和可爱的景观. Soon to appear before you are several school buildings with the focus of attention being drawn to a stately, Tudor-style mansion with turrets and distinctive burnt-orange brickwork. This building was the original residence of the Weatherbee family which was built on the Constable estate, occupying 26 acres of land bordering the Long Island Sound near Orienta Point in Mamaroneck. It is currently utilized for middle school classrooms, offices, the Library and the WDS Synagogue.

威彻斯特走读学校 opened its doors in September 1948 with an enrollment of 54 boys and girls in kindergarten through grade 4. S. 莫里斯Plotnick, a Cambridge-educated mathematician and Hebrew scholar from Maimonides Yeshiva in Boston was selected as headmaster. Mr. Plotnick established the tradition of education that promoted the highest standards in Judaic and General Studies, 它强调了“Torah in Derech Eretz" 学习方法. He was headmaster for over three decades until his official retirement in 1981.

"The 威彻斯特走读学校 is the optimistic herald of a new era for our country. It is the most tangible symbol that American Jewry is vibrantly alive and shall continue to live. 随着这所学校的发展, a strong and authentic generation will arise - one having that inner conviction and knowledge which alone can assure our vitality." - S.M. 普洛特尼克,校长,1949

从历史的角度来理解威彻斯特走读学校, 我们需要回到1947年, at a time when there was no Jewish elementary school in Westchester. 一群人见了大卫·戈洛文斯基拉比, the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El in New Rochelle and determined there was a need for establishing an institution where Jewish children could receive a superior education in both Judaic & 一般的研究. Mr. Mortimer Propp, a real estate investor interested in Jewish causes, was called in as an advisor. 可以说,“剩下的就是历史了”.”

在奥. 探索的建议, the group purchased 26 acres of land as well as the buildings and furnishings from the Weatherbee family. The 威彻斯特走读学校 was established under the name of the Westchester Religious Institute. 然而, the history of the property dates back to 1661 when John Richbell purchased it from the Siwanoy Indians as part of a larger parcel of land.

里奇贝尔死后, 他的遗孀, 安, 把大部分房产卖给了凯勒·希斯科特, with the land passing on to Heathcote’s surviving daughters and their husbands. In 1848 the land was subdivided, large sections were sold, and the land changed hands several times. Then, in 1884, Amy Henrietta Constable Weatherbee, became the owner of the property. 她和丈夫是第五大道时尚商场的老板, 阿诺德·康斯特布尔, 直到1971年,该公司在新罗谢尔的主街上有一家分店. This Constable Weatherbee estate was to become the 威彻斯特走读学校.

In 1965, 以适应不断增长的学生群体, 新建了一个侧翼,其中包括八个额外的教室, 一个图书馆, 科学实验室, 自助餐厅和教师休息室. This wing is known as Wolfson Hall in honor of Solomon and Nellie Wolfson of England.   贝蒂·沃尔夫森·夏皮罗和她的丈夫, 哈罗德, 谁的儿子和孙子参加了白龙会, 为这座建筑提供了主要的礼物. 艾萨克·沃尔夫森爵士, 他是盎格鲁犹太人的领袖和慈善家,也是贝蒂的哥哥, 参加了沃尔夫森堂的落成典礼, 和卡拉顿勋爵一起, 时任英国大使, 到美国.N.

The vision that inspired the founders of 威彻斯特走读学校 continues to inspire today’s generation. The school continues to offer excellence in both its Judaic and 一般的研究. 除了, 善良, empathy and a commitment to country and community are attributes the school endeavors to develop in the students who attend this very fine institution.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.
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